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发表时间:2020-05-08 09:45:00点击:1155
近期中国的科学家在食品领域先进期刊Food Chemistry发表了题为Effects of melatonin treatment on the enzymatic browning and nutritional quality of fresh-cut pear fruit的文章,研究过程中,使用了
VideometerLab多光谱成像系统 (Videometer A/S, 3rsholm, Denmark) 的图像分析法来提取鲜切梨的颜色值( (L*, a* and b*) 。
Videometer 总部位于丹麦,是一家专注于光谱成像、自动视觉测量和质量监控的高科技公司,为多个工业领域开发高性能视觉系统,产品应用于植物表型研究、种子表型研究、生态学研究以及食品监测如肉类、海鲜、蔬菜、水果、酸奶的商检、科研等等领域。其多光谱成像技术代表了业界较高水准。光谱成像设备可用于质构、颜色、形态、光泽、形状以及表面化学有效测量等。目前利用其设备进行研究的文章发表在Nature等各个领域先进期刊上,目前全科研人员已经利用Videometer设备发表了200多篇文章。目前主打产品Videometer Lab是一款多功能多光谱成像设备,广泛应用于在植物学、种子学、食品等领域。
Effects of melatonin treatment on the enzymatic browning and nutritional quality of fresh-cut pear fruit
http://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2019.125116Get rights and content
Surface browning, the contents of MDA and H2O2 were reduced by melatonin treatment.
Melatonin inhibited the growth of microorganism and delayed the ascorbic acid loss.
Melatonin increased total phenolic content and antioxidant capacity.
Melatonin increased PAL and CHS activities and decreased the PPO activity.
Melatonin down-regulated the expression of genes participating in enzymatic browning.
The effects of exogenous melatonin treatment on the enzymatic browning and nutritional quality of fresh-cut pear fruit were investigated. Fresh-cut fruit soaked with 0, 0.05, 0.1 and mM melatonin were stored at 2°C. Our results showed that 2mM melatonin treatment was optimal for reducing the surface browning and maintaining the titratable acidity of the fresh-cut fruit, which significantly decreased MDA and H2O2 contents and the growth of microorganism, enhanced total phenolic content and antioxidant capacity, and delayed the reduction of ascorbic acid. Furthermore, melatonin treatment at 2mM decreased the expression of genes involving in enzymatic browning pathway including POD, PPO1, PPO5 and LOX1, and reduced PPO activity. Moreover, this treatment increased the expression of PAL and CHS, and enhanced PAL and CHS activities. These results showed that melatonin treatment might be a promising strategy to alleviate browning and improve the nutritional quality of fresh-cut pear fruit.
Enzymatic browning
Nutritional quality
Antioxidant capacity
Fresh-cut pear fruit
The VideometerLab multispectral imaging device (Videometer A/S, rsholm, Denmark) was used to extract color values (L*, a* and b*) of fresh-cut pear fruit from the image analysis.